
Hey! Any money you guys could donate would be AWESOME. I'm planning on making something special for the people who donate... backgrounds, wallpapers, maybe even prints or something sometime in the future... But even if I never get around to it, know that you're supporting independent cartooning forever by donating to help keep me going. I love all of you guys, and if you can't afford to or just don't want to donate to my little insane asylum, that's perfectly ok and I understand. Honestly, for me, it's enough that you simply read the comic. Donations are just icing on the cake.

What will my donation do?

Simple... your donation will go towards either art supplies or DVDs. I have a list of 46 DVDs that I simply MUST have before I leave for college. The list can be viewed here. But, being an unemployed high school student, I have literally no money that I can put up towards these movies what make me happy. I'm asking for help in paying for them--anything you can give would be great. And think about it--if I wind up going to your college, I plan to be the guy who loans DVDs out like they were candy, which means more movie pleasure for you. Hell, I may even have to start my own rental service and charge late fees to pay for more movie goodness.

Donated $0.00
Needed $668.55

See the List

All content © 2003 Morgan "Filthy Nagrom" Wilding. All rights reserved.
Do not reproduce without permission. THATS RIGHT! STOP HAVING CHILDREN, YOU FOOLS!
Unauthorized reproduction will incur the wrath of the almighty Copyright Law Monkey.
That horrible monkey...

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